Tuesday, March 13, 2012

TF vs. MT

For the second time in as many weeks I was forwarded an interview with fashion designer Tom Ford where two separate people commented on how much we were alike. For the record, I am clearly heterosexual and and don't quite carry the same name recognition (unless your'e making restaurant reservations in the 312). Considering the aforesaid, I thought a lot about the comparisons, and frankly, I am flattered that so much of what TF does and who TF is, reflects what I have always been doing and who I have always been.

We both have odd morning routines that involve weighing ourselves, guilt dieting for a few days if we are a few pounds off, and eating strangely regimented morning-time foods. We both get our days started at almost exactly the same time, guiltily consume some form of chocolate or candy every day, get entirely too many emails to bother reading, love Claridge's in London, and seldom eat lunch because it slows us down. We both have trouble sleeping, we both have our "uniforms" (he goes with black or grey suits with a white shirt almost seven days a week, whereas I go with jeans and Rod Lavers 99% of my time out), and we both seem to have culled down the many guilty indulgences of our lives to a degree which has oddly simplified almost everything. As I read the interviews I couldn't help but think of how our lives parallel each other in so many ways.

At the end of the day, I'm just happy to see that my mantra of focusing on the simple things that make me happy each and every day, is the same mantra that TF hangs his hat on. Culture, traveling, excellent food, amazing art, perfect clothing, and endearing love are what makes us both tick. Kudos to us, TF.


For Tom Ford's daily routine see Bazaar Magazine, February 2012

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